Sandwich manufacturer membership is a key route to establishing your credentials as a key player in the UK market.  Alongside recognition and endorsement for your business, it also provides with a wide range of benefits while also heping us to create a stronger industry and represent your interests to opinion formers and legislators. 

For full membership, factories must have at least a BRCGS A Grade or above.  Alternatively, they must pass a British Sandwich Association audit.

The annual cost of full manufacturing membership is calculated based on the number of factories a manufacturer operates.    

Manufacturers unable to obtain full manufacturing members can join as Non-Accredited Members but cannot use the Association logo and are not recommended or endorsed by the Association.  They can, however, access the Association information and support services as well as technical advice to help them attain full membership.  

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Key Benefits

As a member of the Association we will send you a certificate to display in your business and you can use the BSA logo in your own marketing as well as get a wide range of benefits, including:

Endorsement (full members only):  All members receive a certificate of membership and are listed on the BSA website and in Sandwich & Food to Go News with their accreditation details.

Advice and Guidance:  All members have free access to the BSA Helpline service and to its guidelines and advice.   This includes technical and legal advice as well as HR and employment support.

Primary Authority Advice (full members only)Members are covered by the Association’s Primary Authority Agreement, which means that if they follow the BSA Assured Advice guidelines they are protected if they are challenged by EHOs in relation to these.   Members can also use the Association’s Primary Authority and Government links to seek clarification on any specific issues they may have, including labelling.   All members are covered by the Association’s Primary Authority Agreement whether they have their own agreements or not.

The Mint Guide:  All members have free access to The Mint Guide, a broad ranging set of guidelines covering everything from food and fire safety to employment law, when it is published.  This includes Assured Advice which is covered by the Association’s Primary Authority Agreement.

Discounted Online Training:  Through an agreement with the National Skills Academy, the Association will be able to offer members discounted online training covering Food Safety Level 2, HACCP Level 2, Health & Safety Level 2 and Allergens Awareness.    Each course costs £12.50 + VAT or the four together cost £40 + VAT. 

Keeping You and Your Colleagues up to Date:  All members receive regular weekly updates via ebulletins covering changes in legislation and other issues that could affect their businesses.  You can register your colleagues to receive this information for free by simply emailing us with the contact details.

Networking:  The Association provides members with opportunities to meet, share information and discuss issues of common interest through webinars and meetings which take place on a regular basis throughout the year.

Working Groups:  From time-to-time the Association will set up working groups to discuss issues affecting the industry and work in collaboration to seek solutions.   An example is the Packaging Environmental Group which brings together packaging experts with retailers and manufacturers to discuss ways of improving the environmental impact of sandwich and food to go packaging.  

A voice with Government: As a Stakeholder recognised by Government, the Association provides a voice for members and the industry on issues affecting these markets, such as labour shortages, packaging waste and obesity targets.   While the Association works closely with other organisations on the broader issues, it also provides a voice on issues that specifically affect the sandwich and food-to-go markets.

Dealing with Issues for the Industry:  In addition to dealing with Government, the Association represents the industry across a wide range of areas.  For example, the Association has been working with the NHS to address issues around food safety, and particularly listeria, in relation to chilled foods.

Protecting Members from Negative Publicity (full members only)The Association provides advice and support for members in dealing with the media and will always seek to direct negative media away from membership by acting as spokesperson for the industry.

Magazines:  Membership includes free subscriptions to be Sandwich & Food to Go News and Café Life magazines.  Members can also register their colleagues to receive these free.

Supporting Members and the Market through British Sandwich Week:  Every May the Association organises British Sandwich Week with the aim of supporting members and promoting the consumption of sandwiches.   The media campaign around the week reaches in excess of 30 million consumers, encouraging them to think positively about sandwiches.   The media campaign around the week reaches in excess of 30 million consumers each year.

Webinars:  The Association organises an annual programme of informative webinars designed the make it easy for members to gather useful information.  These cover a wide range of topics from Employment law and how to use technology to streamline operations to guidance on new legislation.    Holding these online and making recordings of them accessible to members means that even the smallest business can benefit from them.

Encouraging Excellence:  The Association organises the annual Sandwich Industry Awards, also known as the ‘Sammies’, through which it recognises those in the industry who are doing the most to promote good practice and standards each year.   The gala dinner at which the awards are presented also provides a networking opportunity for members.   Members enjoy a significant discount on the cost of places at the dinner.

Recommended Listings (full members only): Both suppliers and manufacturers are listed under our recommended listings in both Sandwich & Food to Go News magazine as well as on the BSA website (   In addition, we pass on contact details for members to any inquiries we receive from retailers seeking suppliers.

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Food to Go Conference.