This year British Sandwich Week takes place from 22nd to 28th May and there are some great opportunities for retailers and brands to take advantage of the campaign.

Last year our campaign achieved 684 separate pieces of coverage across printed, online and on-air media, with a total audience of 1.68 billion consumers.

The campaign this year will focus around the versatility and choice sandwiches offer consumers for any part of the day and there will be some great opportunities for promoting products and brands through a number of activities we have planned.   

The following are just a few of the opportunities:

Brand Sponsorship (£5,000 + VAT) – have your brand name linked to the entire programme for British Sandwich Week as a main sponsor of the Week, including on press releases and our online consumer and media hub.   Our agency will also work with you to develop a key press story around your brand and provide your brand with key coverage on the hub.   

Press Sampling (£4500 + VAT per sandwich) One of the most successful parts of last year’s campaign was the distribution of sample sandwiches to leading journalists and influencers, which generated a good deal of coverage for the brands involved, particularly through news and chat shows as well as online.    If you have a new product being launched – or a great product you would like to get people talking about -  we will be arranging for samples to go to 100 key journalists, influencers and bloggers on the Friday prior to British Sandwich Week.   Included in the sponsorship is the chilled delivery of the products.   Brand sponsors can include a sample for an extra cost of £2000 + VAT. 

The British Sandwich Week Competition (£5000 + VAT) During the Week we will be running an on-line competition inviting consumers to come up with a new commercially viable sandwich recipe.   This competition can be developed around a retailer or ingredient brand.  For example, a condition of the competition might be that it has to include a specific branded ingredient.   Our agency will publicise the competition widely in conjunction with the sponsor and the finalists/winner + their recipes will be announced through social media and on the British Sandwich Week website.   The sponsorship includes a prize of a £1000 holiday voucher for the winner.

Highlight Your Promotions (£250 + VAT each) Send us details of any promotions or offers you are running for the week and we will both highlight them on the British Sandwich Week website and promote them through our social media campaign.

The above are just some of the opportunities available.  Please do not hesitate to discuss other options with us.   Together we can make British Sandwich Week a success for everyone.

For further information, please contact BSA Director Jim Winship on 07850 104034 – or via email at